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same, but it is the people I meet that keeps me coming back. I travel 2-3 weekends per month giving rides and talking about these wonderful pieces of history.
4. Based on my experience onboard Doc, it is apparent a great deal of communication is needed to operate the B-29. Can you explain the crew dynamic?
You are not the only one to comment on the crew dynamics. I am asked a lot about how we do it. First, the FAA requires us to have six crew members on the aircraft at all times: two pilots, one flight engineer and three scanners in the rear. Of course, as a pilot I consider myself the big cog in the wheel, but it is truly the flight engineer that we cannot function without. He starts and stops the engine, runs the fuel and electricity and is constantly monitoring the four massive R-3350’s. Often, people are amazed that the pilots rarely touch the throttles. In fact, pilots only use the throttles for taxi and takeoff. While flying, I will call each power setting to the flight engineer. Since the propellers are almost 17 feet across, just a slight difference in power can make the aircraft fly sideways.
The scanners are my eyes for the back half of the aircraft. Since I cannot see very much of the engines during flight, they look for leaks, smoke and (heaven forbid) fire. They
also call out aircraft configurations and constantly keep a lookout for traffic. In an emergency situation, they are the ones that would lower the gear and flaps manually if needed.
The most imperative time for crew coordination is during the landing phase. As the pilot, I’m concentrating on putting the 80,000-plus-pound aircraft on the centerline and touching down in the first 1,000 feet of the runway. I will call out different power settings to the flight engineer before finally requesting the removal of all power once we are above the runway. It’s more of a dance than an exact science, but as a team we get the job done.
5. What is one of your all-time favorite f lying memories?
Well I have many, but three years ago I was honored to participate in the 70th anniversary of VE (Victory in Europe) Day to celebrate the end of World War II. Over 50 aircraft flew over the National Mall in Washington D.C. Origina•lly, I was to fly FIFI as the last aircraft in the flyby, but the only participating A-26 needed a pilot and I ended up flying it instead. The swell of pride and patriotism seen that week was incredible. I am already really looking forward to taking part in the 75th anniversary flight in 2020. T&T
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