Page 24 - Sept18T
P. 24

Mark Novak
B-29 Doc Chief Pilot
Dawson, Nebraska
Comm/Inst/SEL&MEL with types in
B-720 DC-B26 and Authorized Experimental Aircraft, B-29
5,200 Military 3,000 Civilian 350 in the B-29
by Rebecca Groom Jacobs 1. Can you summarize your piloting background?
I was a military pilot for almost 24 years, flying great aircraft like the C-21 (military version of the Lear 35), B-1 Bomber and TG-7A glider. I eventually left active duty and joined the National Guard flying the KC-135 for nine years before signing up for active duty retirement.
2. What inspired you to get involved with organizations like the Commemorative Air Force (CAF) and Doc’s Friends?
Before I became a pilot, I loved airplane movies! I never thought I would actually be able to fly any of those old airplanes, but while stationed in Texas flying the B-1, I became involved in the Big Country Squadron of the CAF. One of the members told me of an Interstate L-6 that was for sale. It was a fairly rare aircraft (250 produced and only two left in original condition). I ended up purchasing the L-6 and owned it for eight years – getting bit by the warbird bug in the process. From there, I worked my way up the ladder flying and owning many types of historic aircraft including a T-6 I still own today. To me, the aircraft of the World War II era are amazing. Less than 40 years after the Wright Brothers flew, we had P-51’s and B-29’s. These aircraft are the reason the Allies won the war. I consider it an honor to be able to fly, display and tell the story of those who flew these great aircraft.
3.You have been flying the B-29 Superfortress for more than six years. From your perspective, what makes flying the B-29 particularly special?
For my first four years, there was only one B-29 flying: FIFI of the CAF. Everywhere we took her, we were greeted by enthusiasts whose parents and grandparents flew and worked on the B-29. They all wanted to touch the aircraft and tell their stories. For the past two years, I have flown both Doc and FIFI. The crowds and excitement met by either of the iconic warbirds is infectious. Some might think every stop is the
September 2018

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