Page 46 - Twin and Turbine September 2017
P. 46

44 • TWIN & TURBINE September 2017
If It Ain’t Broke
some Part 121 operators whom, through their ticket purchasing websites, are asking tens of thousands of passengers to do the same on their side of the debate. The tactic could generate a swarm of one-sided letters potentially causing all of GA to suffer the death of a thousand stings. Please participate by going to: and by contacting your representatives.
Authors note:
Although rejected by a Senate panel in late July, privatization supporters continue to promote the concept. The battle will resume this month. T&T
AOPA Finance 1/3 Page 4C Ad
I saw a T-shirt that said: “The Engineer’s
Motto: if it ain’t broke, take it apart and fix
it.” Exactly what problem is privatization
trying to fix anyway? Over the last 80
years, the U.S. ATC system as operated
by the FAA has become the most efficient
and the safest anywhere in the world;
operating more aircraft in a month than
some countries operate in a year. For one •
week each year in Oshkosh, Wisconsin, the volume of aircraft movements at this single airport exceeds volumes in some countries. There is little evidence suggesting that the privatization of ATC will reduce saturation, enhance modernization or result in fewer delays for the airlines. Speaking in Oshkosh, EAA Chairman Jack Pelton summarized: “If Congress would just provide the FAA with stable, multi-year funding for its modernization programs, we wouldn’t even be talking about ATC privatization.” The EAA, AOPA, NBAA, GAMA, NATA are asking their readers, members and supporters to take action in order to make GA’s “modernize not privatize” position known to our decision makers and the public. These efforts are necessary in order to counter-balance the move of
National Flight Simulator Sixth Page
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Rocky Mountain Propel- lers Inc.
Sixth Page
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Kevin Dingman has been flying for more than 40 years. He’s an ATP typed in the B737 and DC9 with 23,000 hours in his logbook. A retired Air Force major, he flew the F-16 and later performed as an USAF Civil Air Patrol Liaison Officer. He flies volunteer missions for the Christian organization Wings of Mercy, is employed by a major airline, and owns and operates a Beechcraft Duke. Contact Kevin at

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