Page 44 - Twin and Turbine September 2017
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42 • TWIN & TURBINE September 2017
This phenomenon may exaggerate theexistingcontrollershortagethathas already increased pilot workload through traffic management techniques such as ground delay programs and ground stops, RVSM, land-and-hold-short and climb-via/descend-via SIDs and STARS. These procedures were designed to safely allow more airplanes to use the same space while simultaneously requiring less ATC involvement, monitoring and intervention. And according to the
airlines and politicians, fewer delays. Apparently, these are insufficient measures as proven by continued late arrivals and resultant privatization debate.
Here’s one possibly stinging scenario: Some version of separating ATC from the FAA will occur even if only an accounting, governance, oversight or funding change to the FAA/ATC marriage. In order to pay for the changes while preserving the soundbite of “no new taxes” on the airline-traveling public, fuel surcharges
for avgas and Jet-A will continue and increase. An annual, airspace use- permit will be required for all things that fly from drones to 787’s, regardless of the grass strip, lake, ice cap or metropolis from which they operate. Based on purchasing said airspace permit, on higher fuel taxes and a higher state registration fee, those in GA weighing less than 12,500 pounds will continue to use the VFR and IFR system without “additional” fees. Those 12,500 and up in corporate and Part 121 operations will pay landing fees based on maximum landing weight and will also pay a fee for using the IFR system.
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