Page 23 - Twin and Turbine September 2017
P. 23

Therefore, in addition to the current state of the airplane and the operation, my PIC brain needs to be looking ahead by more than just a few minutes. While en route, practice shifting your focus from 30 minutes, to 15, to one minute and then to the next five seconds, then back out to 30. Perhaps at the following ratio: 10 percent focus at 30 minutes, 20 percent at 15, 30 percent at one minute and 40 percent on the next five seconds. Naturally, the ratios change as you enter the terminal area. It’s similar to an instrument crosscheck except used for big-picture situational awareness. It will help increase your mental bandwidth, keep your head in the game and your rump out of the ringer.
“To Err With Love.” Sidney Poitier, 1967 (almost)
We need to keep our workload at a manageable level so as to avoid time pressures and distractions that can lead to errors. Our procedures and checklists should be focused on helping us to catch errors of omission and commission. When flying single-pilot, use every resource available on the approach: the autopilot, the localizer, the ILS, the RNAV course, flight director, approach lighting system, landmarks and if available, the PM. If you feel the hairs standing up, if something doesn’t look, feel or sound right, then most likely something is wrong. Perhaps simplistic, but until you find it, keep your speed up and stay away from the ground. And when the a•irport gets big and your airspeed gets small, verify runway alignment and GUMP. After all Mon Capitaine, to err is human and lest ye take heed, thine time of blunder may comethontearfulwing. T&T
Kevin Dingman has been flying for more than 40 years. He’s an ATP typed in the B737 and DC9 with 23,000 hours in his logbook. A retired Air Force major, he f lew the F-16 and later performed as an USAF Civil Air Patrol Liaison Officer. He f lies volunteer missions for the Christian organization Wings of Mercy, is employed by a major airline, and owns and operates a Beechcraft Duke. Contact Kevin at
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September 2017

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