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the enormity of the decision, especially after considering the blinding speed of a self-propelled paddle boat or the cost to hire a teenage mutant pilot as PIC, imagine the consequences of a serious mental or physical condition developing suddenly while single-pilot in a high-workload situation. Or conversely, picture hanging up the chocks before their time and losing the convenience, camaraderie and joy of flying.
If you are younger than 40, you’re probably full up in the areas discussed in this article and wondering what all the fuss is about. As you reach 50 and beyond, age-related challenges are likely to develop and you will slowly become enlightened about the fuss. Many of the physical and mental changes will mirror those of being over-tired. And a cantankerous demeanor should not be minimized either as it may be a heads-up of things to come, trust me. But ponder this prospect: in a survey of 1.3 million people across 51 countries, researchers found that people that reported a decline in happiness beginning at 30, but were happy again by 50, just in time for the old-person effects to begin. In any case, diminishing performance is not a pleasant prospect to ponder for us perpetually positive pilots.
Montgomery Scott
When I fly for WOM (Wings of Mercy) and at my airline, it’s a two-pilot operation. It’s easy to recognize the eventuality of forgetfulness in ourselves when operating with another crewmember by the frequency in which they point out things we performed early, late, out of sequence
October 2017
Preferred Airparts, LLC Quarter Page
Researchers found that people that reported
a decline in happiness beginning at 30, but were happy again by 50, just in time for the old-person effects to begin.

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