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Business Aviation
Lands in Las Vegas
Preview of the 2017 NBAA-BACE Convention & Exhibition
by Dianne White
In a few short days, the 2017 NBAA Business Aviation Convention & Exhibition (NBAA-BACE) will get underway. The event, which celebrates NBAA’s 70th anniversary, will be held Oct. 10-12 at the Las Vegas Convention Center in Las Vegas, Nevada. In addition to a wide selection of topical
and timely education sessions, the event will feature compelling keynote speakers and a vast array of products and aircraft on display in the exhibit and static display spaces.
Headlining this year’s convention will be American astronauts Mark and Scott Kelly. The identical twin brothers are former Navy aviators before joining NASA where they each flew into orbit four times. Scott Kelly holds the distinction of spending a combined 520 days in orbit. His final stay spanned from March 2015 to March 2016, during which time he participated in NASA’s Twins Study to measure the physiological effects of weightlessness during long-duration spaceflights. Scientists compared Scott’s in-orbit test results with those from his brother, who served as a ground-based control subject during the study
NBAA said it is taking great pains to ensure that its sessions do not contain the exact same content as past years, with a new emphasis on interactivity between presenter and attendee. Using the NBAA mobile app, presenters can ask advance questions of the audience to gauge their level of knowledge of the topic and modify the presentation real-time based on that feedback. Additionally, NBAA has added a capability of questions-and-answers to the app so people can ask questions during a presentation, and don’t have to wait until the end for
October 2017

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