Page 25 - Volume 19 Number 10
P. 25

Area:Proficient,sure both are eager to ride in a Twin & Turbine aircraft)and practice some actual or simulated approaches, published holds, and non-published holds. On another occasion, should the same flight not be conducive, find a nice day or night to practice your air maneuvers; engine out procedures, aborted takeoffs, stall recognition and recovery, memory items and limitations, cross-wind landings and takeoffs, and even aborted starts. Either way, set up a system of flying regularly, and train well beyond what’s required by insurance companies and regulations. It’s like compound interest: The more you put in, the more you’ll receive in return–the more you train, the more proficient, comfortable, and confident (albeit, hopefully, not over-confident) you’ll be.Of course, this is easier said than done and we all fall victim to a lack of time in our lives. Flying around in a complex, cabin-class machine is a responsibility. So, too, is holding the certificate to act as PIC. If the regulations alone are not stringent enough to force the issue of true proficiency, then make sure you do it yourself. Ask yourself: Are you really ready to fly today, if the last approach you flew was five months and 29 days ago? Are you ready to land at night, if your last nighttime landing was over two months ago? And, should the unthinkable occur, are you ready to handle an emergency situation? If the answer is yes, then good for you. If not, make sure you get out there and practice. After all, isn’t it just another reason to jump into a beautiful machine and have some fun?This may appear to be a lot of effort, perhaps even overkill, but the time and cost is well-allocated and will absolutely yield a strong return on investment. Remember, we’re flying complex airplanes in complex airspace and with that comes the responsibility to ourselves, our passengers,and even those we fly over (or near) to ma•intain proficiency rather than just currency and recent flight experience. Can a fish live without water? For a little while... T&TTodd HotesFormer Check Airman Chief Pilot, Polymer Resources, LTD.OCTOBER 2015Pacific Coast Avionics Quarter Page4/C AdTWIN & TURBINE • 23

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