Page 24 - Volume 19 Number 10
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Is it possible for a baby bird to survive without its mother? Sure, at least for a while. Ultimately, however, the odds will change and the outcome will yield unfortunate, if not tragic, results. The same analogy can apply to pilots, except manipulation of the odds can be made in favor of survival. I am referring to the regulatory compliance of pilot certificate currency and recent flight experience, versus proactive pilot proficiency (Reference FAR part 61.56 & 57). Those are three very different definitions, two with inherent pitfalls for the unassuming pilot, although they’re all trying to attain one goal: Safety. Note: The latter of the three, proactive pilot proficiency, is usually a standard upheld by the individual pilot, not a regulation.At the airlines, training occurs twice a year for captains (ground school followed by two proficiency checks) and once a year for FO’s (ground school, followed by a PC). The ground school consists of system operations, airline SOP’s, reviewing ASAP reports (Aviation Safety Action Program) and other valuable trend data. Occasionally, line flying stories are traded, the usual banter of the airline is debated, and tribal knowledge is passed down between the ranks, such as “if this happens, try doing this first” (before the official procedure). The airlines do not like tribal knowledge, as it encourages a lack of standard operating practice.22 • TWIN & TURBINEBy Todd HotesSimulator sessions encompass IAP’s, emergency ops, LOFT training (Line Oriented Flight Training), and some extracurricular situations that are only possible (hopefully) in the simulator. The simulator is very comprehensive, as it knocks the rust off tools normally underutilized. Yes, you may be thinking to yourself, “I train once, if not twice, a year.” Although that may be true, the difference is that airline pilots fly almost daily. Proficiency, therefore, is maintained by flying regularly. I hesitate, however, to write this in today’s environment, as we’ve also seen a degradation in proficiency on the Part 121 side of the spectrum. Simply put, if you can’t fly on a regular basis, you may not be as “proficient” as you think you are, or as the regulations lead you to believe.That being said, as Part 91 pilots, it’s up to us to uphold the same standards set forth by those companies flying paying passengers and/or cargo. After all, anything less than an accident/incident-free year is cause for improvement. Therefore, what does this mean for those of us who want to be as sharp as we can? Well, we all know about the existing programs to keep us up-to-date on trends, techniques, and procedures; I won’t list them here. However, on the flying side of the equation, why not set up a training schedule based on the amount you fly per month, as well as the quality of flying normally conducted? Perhaps for every 15 hours of flying or 15 days (whichever comes first), you train for two hours. Whatever the course of action you deem to be appropriate, follow through and stick to it. Think of it as a requirement.Moving back to the airlines, their crews train in night and poor-weather conditions during the simulator sessions. This enables the pilots to hone their basic instrument flying skills, situational awareness, SOP’s, etc. Although the training is aimed at facilitating proficiency, what really keeps the crews sharp is the constant exposure to flight, on an almost-daily basis. For those of us on the Part 91 side, flying for hours every day is not possible, so we need to be proactive in order to maintain proficiency. I don’t suggest taking off into hard- IMC conditions alone at night, unless you feel qualified. Instead, take an instructor or qualified safety pilot (I’mOCTOBER 2015The GrayAre You Current, or Both?

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