Page 11 - May24Tv2
P. 11

  As we neared our destination, ATC stated “advise when ready to copy a reroute.” ATC changed our arrival to the ENDEE 6 RNAV ARRIVAL but kept the IRK Transition. This is an RNAV arrival, so GPS or RNAV equipment is required. The ENDEE 6 arrival has mandatory altitude and airspeed restrictions. This arrival also displays the altitude and airspeeds on the Foreflight Map and on the air- plane FMS. (see Figures 3, 4, and 5).
Here are some possible clear- ances you may receive:
“Cleared LUCKI 1 RNAV ARRIVAL.” This is clearance to follow the lateral route only.
“Cleared LUCKI 1 RNAV ARRIVAL, descend and maintain 12,000 feet.” This is clearance to descend and maintain 12,000 feet. Maintain this altitude till cleared for further descent.
“Descend Via the LUCKI 1 RNAV AR- RIVAL.” This is clearance to follow the lateral guidance and vertical altitude restrictions on the chart (as well as air-
speeds) all the way down to the bottom altitude of 5,000 feet.
“Descend Via the LUCKI 1 RNAV ARRIVAL, except maintain 12,000 feet.” This is a clearance to follow the lateral and vertical guidance until reaching TRIXI and then maintain 12,000 feet until cleared to a lower altitude by ATC.
STARs may serve multiple airports or multiple runways. Sometimes it is necessary to enter the instrument approach into the FMS to populate the full routing of the STAR. Review the STAR before you get busy in the descent. Also, listen carefully to the descent clearance as they can have many nuances.
 Ed Verville is an experienced FAA instructor and examiner for business jet pilots and aircrew programs. He has 15,000 flight hours in more than 100 different makes and models and holds type ratings in the Bombardier CL-65, CL-30, CL-604, and Boeing 747. Ed has been instructing RNP-AR Approaches for the past three years.
  Ocean Reef
May 2024 / TWIN & TURBINE • 9

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