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 assigned us lower altitudes, different than the published altitudes, but kept us on the lateral portion of the arrival. ATC may modify the arrival altitudes as well as delete or assign speed limits. They may also vector you off the arrival. But the more challenging issue is that they sometimes take you off an arrival, then have you rejoin it. This could catch you by sur- prise if you thought you were being vectored for the approach, and you deleted the arrival.
As we were headed back from California to Midway Airport (KMDW) we were assigned the MOTIF 6 ARRIVAL with the IRK Transi- tion. Note that this arrival is based on conven- tional NAVAIDs (no RNAV or GPS equipment required), and the altitudes on the arrival (KORTT Turbojets Expect 17,000, MOTIF Ex- pect 10,000, MINOK Expect 6,000) are all listed as “EXPECT.” These altitudes are not part of the arrival unless ATC specifically assigns them, such as “cross MOTIF at 10,000 feet.” Furthermore, these altitudes are not displayed on the Foreflight Map or on the airplane FMS. (see Figures 1 and 2).
Figure 5
   8 • TWIN & TURBINE / May 2024

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