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wait for it to lift off and maintain a very shallow rate of climb while the landing gear comes up and flaps retract. Then you start thinking about climbing.”
The landing gear is kept down on first flight, but the modern hybrid Curtiss 3350 engines easily lift the B-29 skyward. Much lighter than its former self due to less armoring and fuel, the airplane is capable of climbing and traveling faster than it did on its previous missions more than six decades before.
On the ground, cameras are rolling and the crowd is cheering and shedding tears. For the first time since 1956, B-29 Doc is airborne.
As the thousands watch, the warbird smoothly soars to 1,000 feet and cruises around the pattern. Seven minutes later, Tilghman greases a beautiful landing and taxis, greeted by continuous, loud cheers.
The crowd is soon informed the flight was cut short due to a chip detector light. But the crew is confident the alert is likely false and a result of breaking in the new engines (which was later confirmed).
B-29 Doc’s first flight is a success.
Flying Museum
Although Doc’s permanent home base is Wichita, the aircraft will serve as a traveling museum and exhibition. Doc’s Friends is currently negotiating 2017 tour dates and locations.
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March 2017

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