Page 14 - Twin and Turbine December 16
P. 14

So, how about the reds you see on the left? Can you identify any of those features that will allow you to catalog it as a dangerous line of storms?
It is very important to note that we were flying over an area covered by oceans, swamps and lakes. There is plenty of water to feed many, many storms. From then on, our flight to BuenosAires was just a piece of cake; clear sky, no fogs.
Details Matter
I’m telling you how I dealt with these storms because I have seen too many pilots flying without paying proper attention to those details - details that will make a big difference when it comes to dribbling
around Cbs. It’s called “Airmanship” or more exactly “SuperiorAirmanship”. I wasn’t born with it; I accumulated it by paying attention to what I see out the windshield and comparing that to my radar. That doesn’t take as long as you might suppose. It’s just practicing good airmanship.
Here is a nice definition, taken from Skybrary ( index.php/Airmanship): “Airmanship is the consistent use of good judgment and well-developed skills to accomplish flight objectives. This consistency is founded on a cornerstone of uncompromising flight discipline and is developed through systematic skill acquisition and proficiency. A high state of situational awareness completes the airmanship picture and is obtained through knowledge of one’s self, aircraft, environment, team and risk.”
Maybe you have one of those new fancy radars, fully automatic, and you think you don’t have to worry about anything except how to switch it on and avoid the red. Let me tell you, that’s a mistake, and woe to you and your passengers.
Finally, here’s a photo of the BuenosAires sky at dawn at the end of •another safe, relaxing flight, thanks mostly to knowledge of geography and use of radar to verify, verify, verify. T&T
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