As David attended to a preflight walk-around, I eagerly snapped a bunch of photos.

eyes off your new baby.
I had a great time taking photos for David Miller’s article on the restoration of his new Baron 58P. We woke bright and early to get an empty ramp at Dallas’s Addison Airport Galaxy FBO. David had just completed the Baron’s avionics update and training. He was still getting acquainted with everything, so we didn’t have a chance to fly it together. Hopefully, that will happen soon.
We also get to celebrate the Veterans Airlift Command this month by reading Mike Bell’s experience flying veterans and how Skytech Inc. keeps him in the air.
What are some of the limitations of TCAS equipment? And how have those limitations influenced recent midairs like in D.C.? Ed Verville provides an excellent briefing.
Finally, David Miller acquaints us with the intricacies of Santa Fe spa days. It might be wise to keep a towel on hand regardless of cabana instructions on your next vacation.
Be safe out there!