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P. 27

  I think you’d agree that enforcement of existing rules, regulations, policies and laws would solve many of today’s issues, especially around larger cities, roads and commercial aircraft. The national news is peppered with reports of passenger misconduct, even violence. Assaults on crewmembers and fellow passengers, civil disobedience and dangerous conduct such as opening aircraft exits, assaulting the cockpit door, and throwing of objects and bodily fluids have become daily events. We have the aviation alphabet groups to thank for defending our aviation freedoms, especially AOPA, NBAA and EAA. Despite a couple of 90-degree days and a few T-storms with a tornado warning, I certainly appreciated the OSH GA soul-salve. Time is one of our most precious commodities and GA spends it wisely. By flying yourself, you can avoid the riffraff, maintain your mental health, and stay closer to both your SO and golf clubs. And for me, no need to shave.
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 Kevin Dingman has been flying for more than 40 years. He’s an ATP typed in the B737 and DC9 with 28,000 hours in his logbook. A retired Air Force major, he flew the F-16 and later performed as an USAF Civil Air Patrol Liaison Officer. He flies volunteer missions for the Christian organiz tion Wings of Mercy, is employed by a major airline, and owns and operates a Beechcraft Duke.Contact Kevin at dinger10d@
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September 2021 / TWIN & TURBINE • 25

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