Page 5 - Sept18T
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In Response to Kevin Ware’s
“It’s All About the Ice”
The excellent article in May about flying in the Northwest in a pressurized twin is right on point! I read the article and it sounded so familiar; I’ve been there twice in the past 15 years flying across the Cascades, Blue Mountains and the Salmon River Range. I’m flying a Pressurized Navajo (amazing airplane) and it is generally a weather tank! But when the icing is extreme, it is no match and just cannot keep up long enough to climb into the flight levels. I have found that the propeller deice gets behind first and with that everything slows down.
I hope all pilots read your article carefully and take it to seri- ous heart! Thanks for your excellent and insightful writings in T & T. I enjoy them all; there are always things to learn.
Allan Gillespie Walla Walla, WA
Just wanted you to know how much I enjoy your articles. I was going to mention specifically the article regarding flying in the Pacific Northwest but after a moment’s thought, I realized how much I enjoy all of them. Both content and writing style are superb. I may be a little biased as I too am a physician and professional pilot trying to make both careers work. You have a gift – keep it coming!
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