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Checking may only be halted twice to provide additional training during the entire training program. An individual task which is failed can only be retrained one time. After either of these thresh- olds has been reached, the check is considered unsatisfactory and the applicant must complete all training and complete a new, standalone proficiency check.
Simply meaning you can retry any unsuccessful task once after practicing it a bit more. If that task isn’t done satisfactorily the second time, or if any three tasks are failed, a stand-alone PPC will be required on the last day.
An even more important caveat exists:
All checking must be conducted by a Training Center Evaluator (TCE). Checking is not authorized to be conducted by instructors.
TCEs are the simulator equivalent of a designated pilot examiner (DPE); they have been specially trained and tested to hold the authority to issue certificates (e.g. ATP), type ratings, and certify PPCs as complete. Since only a TCE can conduct any portion of checking, and we want to conduct a small amount of checking during each session, it is critical we request a TCE for every session. This can take some time to coordinate, and perhaps some arm twisting, but it should be possible with a bit of lead time.
Step II: Get Good Instruction
Having a TCE conduct a progressive PPC across three days won’t make for a good experience if the TCE is a terrible in- structor. It’s an unavoidable truth that the best sim center is
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September 2018
Checklist for an Optimal Sim Recurrent
• Advocate, advocate, advocate
• Request a progressive PPC
• Request a TCE for every session
• Request a TCE identi ed as above average
• Consider bringing an experienced instructor to training
• Use the full sim time allotted
• Come to training with a list of extra things to do with free sim time

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