Page 14 - Sept18T
P. 14

by Thomas P. Turner
Iplanned to fly up to Oshkosh from Wichita on Friday before AirVenture. My plan, following suggestions I included in “Are You Good Enough to Fly into Oshkosh?” (July issue), was to fly about 2.5 hours to Dubuque, Iowa (KDBQ), top off the fuel tanks,
then make the roughly one-hour hop to Oshkosh following the NOTAM visual arrival.
A few days before the trip, forecasts called for marginal VFR conditions off and on along the route. I began to think about flying IFR to KDBQ and the possibility of having to stay there overnight since conditions were forecast to be Visual Meteorological Conditions (VMC) on Saturday morning. I made a refundable hotel reservation at Dubuque.
12 • TWIN & TURBINE September 2018
Weather Exercising Options

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