Page 29 - Twin and Turbine September 2017
P. 29

4. Where is one of your favorite geographical locations to photograph?
Alaska by far. The Alaskan landscape has to be some of the most diverse and scenic geographical regions on the planet. Specifically, the mountainous regions on the southeast coastline. In one shot, you can capture picturesque ice cap mountains, glaciers and turquoise blue water. It’s visually stunning – a sensory overload! And the best time to shoot of course is the golden hour. The air is still, and the low angle of the sunlight creates the most optimal lighting for both air-to-air and air-to-ground work.
5. Can you tell us about one of your most memorable photo shoots?
Two come to mind. One was earlier this year when I photographed a vintage de Havilland Beaver and Quest Kodiak in Florida. The Kodiak is essentially the modern-day Beaver so to see the two STOL planes fly in close formation was really special. The other really memora•ble trip would have to be my flight in a Cessna 206 amphibian to the Misty Fjords National Monument in Alaska. We landed on a remote lake, accessible only by air. It reminded me the privilege we have as pilots and aviation enthusiasts to access such untouched,naturalbeauty.Trulypriceless. T&T
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September 2017

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