Page 29 - Volume 20 Number 9
P. 29

despite the distractions of the other seagulls, this rebel bird still enjoys flying – and listening to rain in the hangar. And I still remember the effort needed to get to the top.
The path to an airline career is demanding. While a passion for
flying is helpful, many run out of ambition, ability or money before reaching the goal. In 1990, in order to apply with Southwest, you needed a 737 type rating, military jet time and three letters of recommendation from current Southwest pilots. Delta expected the same military experience but also required that you have 20/20 vision. UPS was unique in that they wanted a “hand-writing sample”. For American, Northwest and United, your application needed an ATP and FE (Flight Engineer) written. All of the airlines required a simulator evaluation – 737, 707 and for UPS a piston-twin Frasca. The interview at AA then involved a three-part physical over several weeks – including sending the company “samples” from home. This was followed by the actual sit- down interview and then, for non- military applicants, a psychological evaluation: “If you could only save one, who would you rescue from a
burning house, your mom or your dad?” Most applicants from the military were offered jobs from several carriers. Many civilian pilots also got offers – except, I imagine, the ones that answered the burning house question wrong, or failed to properly seal the “samples” from home. I remember the jubilation of being offered jobs at the airlines. Contemplating retirement feels like minimizing that process and giving up on the flock.
In the military and at the airlines, the past and future of your career path is visible through a very predictable seniority system. You can either reminisce or forecast through the careers of others. For all retirees, the transition involves major challenges. Not the least of which is that you are older and your mind and body reflects that reality. The following excerpt is from the operating manual of a zero-turn-

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