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 Standard Aero
 on designing aircraft that rely entirely upon this source of energy, which has been an extremely promising journey thus far.
Over the years, the Bye Aerospace team has crafted a portfolio that includes the eFlyer 2 – a two-seat aircraft de- signed specifically for the primary flight training market, and the eFlyer 4 – an attractive alternative for legacy piston options in the space. Collectively, Bye Aerospace’s eFlyer models have received nearly 800 deposits from interested customers with demand continuing to remain strong as production begins to ramp up. The eFlyer 2 is currently set to enter service by the end of 2022, followed by the eFlyer 4 one year later. After that, the company’s third aircraft, a six-seater designated the eFlyer X, is also expected to be certified by the FAA and shift from customer dreams to hangar realities. Like the eFlyer 4, this lightly pressurized aircraft will be powered by a single 200 kW (270 HP) all- electric powerplant.
While these three aircraft span the range in terms of size and performance of existing single-engine piston options, the next logical progression was integrating the company’s propulsion know-how into an aircraft purpose-built with increased endurance, speed and passenger capacity. So, with successes from previous designs, prototype produc- tion, and subsequent flight testing, the company designed its highly anticipated eight-place option.
According to Bye Aerospace, the performance estimates for the eFlyer 800 include a 320-knot cruise speed, 35,000- foot ceiling, and 500 nm range with 45-minute IFR reserves at normal cruise speed of 280 knots. Safety features include two wing-mounted electric motors, each with dual redun- dant motor windings, quad-redundant battery packs and a full airplane parachute. Additional potential features include an emergency auto-landing system, intelligent algorithm ensuring envelope protection, terrain avoid- ance and routing for emergency auto-land, and an option for supplemental power solar cells and in-wheel electric taxi. The airplane’s configuration can seat up to seven passengers and one or two pilots.
Demand for the eFlyer 800 spans air taxi, air cargo, and regional and charter aircraft markets. Bye noted that there is significant interest in the aircraft thus far, which has already positively translated to customers competing in the charter space like Jet It and JetClub, which “have a commitment to electric, clean aircraft, and this foresight vision is a testament to their management team and their future as a company.”
In the second quarter of 2021, the companies jointly an- nounced a signed purchase agreement with Bye Aerospace for a fleet of eFlyer 800’s. While specificities related to the order (including quantities and anticipated delivery dates) have not been disclosed, George Bye notes that these sister companies’ large quantity order is only a highlight of being an ideal launch customer for the aircraft.
Other companies have also recently announced their formal interest in and commitment to the eFlyer 800. Among these are Skye Aviation, an aircraft leasing company
October 2021 / TWIN & TURBINE • 5

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