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Shelly deZevallos, her husband and children with their family aircraft, a Beechcraft Baron B58.
4. As a member of the NBAA Board, what do you hope to contribute to business aviation’s leading organization?
I was elected to the Board last November, which is an absolute honor. Being a pilot and small-business owner in both aviation and a non-aviation industry, I see firsthand what’s going on at our country’s airports. I think that experience, combined with my policy and educational background, allows me to bring a different perspective to an already-diverse Board. In addition to aviation, I love policy. It has worked out really well bringing those two passions together.
5. In late August, the entire country watched in horror the devastation of Hurricane Harvey on the city of Houston. How did the hurricane affect the West Houston Airport and how did the aviation community come together to aid the city?
When Hurricane Harvey hit, it rained for almost six days. But what hurt us at the airport specifically was not the wind or rain, but the floodwaters from the reservoir and diversion afterward. We had been hoping to assist with relief efforts right away, but were unable due to the high water being slow to recede. Finally, on Sunday (Sept. 3), airplanes delivering supplies were able to make their way in.
Among the organizations who leaped to action following Hurricane Harvey were Sky Hope Network, which arranged for volunteer pilots and their aircraft to  y much-needed items to the hardest hit areas near Houston. West Houston Airport served as one of the key airports during the crucial  rst days.
We have had dozens and dozens of pilots fly into our airport from all over the country – Michigan, Florida, California...I think I’ve seen every make or model of airplane fly in here. They’re doing what they love while helping others at the same time. Those of us affected by the storm have assuredly experienced a grieving period, yet the comradery that has surfaced is unlike anything I’ve ever se•en. For example, the Sky Hope Network in Georgetown, Texas, and Operation Air Drop from Dallas, Texas, we could not have delivered the relief supplies if it weren’t for these organizations and people like Robin Eissler and Stephen Langley getting these air lifts started. It’s truly beenawe-inspiring. T&T
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October 2017

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