Page 28 - Volume 19 Number 10
P. 28

Harzell Proppeller Service Ctr Half Page4/C Adaircraft in a nose-high pull-up or a rolling dive. Upon command, he looked up, interpreted the situation and recovered to stabilized level flight. His success prompted a greater challenge. “This time,” I instructed, “keep your eyes closed and try flying the airplane only by what you’re feeling. If you feel a turn, roll out until it feels right; if you think you’re diving, pull up to stop the dive.”After about 45 seconds, he had allowed a 45-degree bank to develop and the nose was slightly down, the airspeed already accelerating well above what it would be in level flight. I told him to look up, whereupon he uttered an expletive and yanked the controls to recover into a straight-and-level attitude, all while his senses told him otherwise. My point was made; we can’t fly without attitude references, visual or artificial.If our fancy instrumentation fails us, we have to rely on the most basic references we have. A turning heading indication almost certainly means we have a wing down; stop the turn with opposite control. If airspeed is decreasing, yet power is normal for the phase of flight, you’re probably nose-up and need to reduce pitch. However, check the VSI and altimeter for correlation, and seek an attitude that will correct to a stable airspeed. If a standby attitude indicator is available, use it. Never chase an airspeed indication alone; fly attitude to achieve results.An angle of attack indicator is simply a graphic presentation of what an airspeed indication is already telling us; fly too slow and bad things will happen. It is superior to the ASI in that it represents an energy state, without interpretation, even under G-load, so it’s a quick confirmation of what we need to know. And yet, attitu•de and power are still key to producing performance. Fly with the basic tools, and you’ll survive any loss of supporting instrumentation. T&TOCTOBER 2015MADE IN USAPHONE: (954) 966-7329 FAX: (954) 966-3584 5614 SW 25 St., Hollywood, FL 33023WEB: www.survivalproductsinc.comEMAIL: sales@survivalproductsinc.comSurvival Products Inc.$1,510 $1,960Sixth Page 4/C Ad26 • TWIN & TURBINE

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