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  in the cockpit, the Eclipse performs a full initialization sequence which takes about a minute. Cabin weights are entered on the MFD graphical syn- optic after the pilot chooses a seating option for the flight (you can select from several). The fuel weight is au- tomatically sensed, and your CG is graphically and textually displayed. With that information entered, the pilot confirms or enters the OAT and the only V-speed for takeoff, Vr, is com- puted and posted on the PFD airspeed tapes. The latest IFMS versions (2.5 and above) also have an integrated TOLD computation capability. Eclipse offers its QRA iOS app free to operators and type-rated pilots, which provides all necessary f light performance data, weight and balance, and direct access to all checklists and other information.
The f light plans can be retrieved from a catalog or entered quickly via the FMS. I can typically enter a three- hour flight plan in under three min- utes, which can easily be done before the start, with or without a GPU. The pressurization is automatic, setting the profile based upon departure and destination airport elevations.
After a few other steps, it is time to start the PWC610-FA turbofans, each producing 900 pounds of thrust. With the power control lever (PCL) at idle, turn the engine knob to “Start” and the FADEC takes over. The system syn- optics are animated, showing relays
opening, valves moving, and pumps running. The pilot then executes various system checks with the Avio- guided test sequence. A few additional steps are needed before the MFD dis- plays “T/O CONFIG OK.” (If you try to take off without this confirmation, you receive a loud warble sound in your ear, from what I’ve been told).
Flying the Eclipse
Flying this plane is simply a blast. It can carry six people (four adults comfortably), rotate in less than 1,200 feet, climb 3,000 FPM at sea level, and burn 340 to 380 pounds per hour while cruising at 340-plus KTAS at FL410.
The cabin offers a variety of load- ing options. I typically fly with four total seats except when flying to a mountain biking destination. In that case, cabin seats are easily removed in under 5 minutes using a tool my son Tigre and I designed. With our bikes secured in the cabin, my wife Jane and I are ready to embark on another adventure. I’ve also used the cabin f lexibility to maximize cargo when f lying volunteer f lights, such as support for Hurricane Dorian relief.
The sidestick controls can be consid- ered heavy since you control the plane with your wrist, so proper trimming is essential. The plane is intelligent, preventing engagement of the yaw damper or autopilot until 15 seconds after takeoff. The autopilot has an
 Eclipse 500/550 - By the Numbers
Engine: PWC610F-A
Max Speed (KTAS/ALT)* Fuel Flow Max Speed (PPH) Vmo/Mmo
Max Range**
Max Ramp Wgt
Useful Load
Max Useable Fuel Payload with Max Fuel
900 Lbs. of Thrust 369/341 FL350/FL410 467/343 FL350/FL410 285KIAS/0.64M
1,125 NM
6,034 6,000 4,922 2,210 1,698 512
     *Mid-Weight 5,500 lbs
**4 Occupants, IFR 45 Minute Reserve
 March 2021 / TWIN & TURBINE • 13

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