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doing so on a really hot day. I’m probably overly cautious and would remove them when in doubt.
As Kevin told me, I found the instal- lation to be very simple and the fit to be perfect in our Eclipse. In some aircraft models, the window surround is not con- sistent so designing a precise fit may be a challenge. In that particular situation, Jet Shades will work with operators to customize and ensure a good fit in all of the airplanes they support. Jet Shades is also in the process of developing a dealer network which will help customers and even create a custom set for operators.
On the ground, I found the visibility through the side panels to be more than adequate to leave them in place while taxiing during the day. The optical clar- ity of the panels is similar to looking through high-quality sunglasses which was a nice improvement over other op- tions. Jet Shades recommends removing them at night, which I agree. They offer an optional custom storage bag to protect them when removed.
In Flight
On departure from Montgom– ery Airport (KMYF) in San Diego, flying into the bright afternoon skies, I quickly experienced the value of Jet Shades. I had installed both the side and wind- shield eyebrow panels. I actually found it to be safer with them in place since I could visually see the traffic in our busy airspace rather than searching with the bright sun directly in my eyes. While my wife Jane and I flew a low-level flight through San Diego Harbor in the bright sun, I observed the glare reduction and improvement in contrast were very im- pressive, enabling us to see clearly even in direct sunlight.
Usually in cruise, I’m searching for ways to block the sun. At FL410, with the
Jet Shades in place, it made the cockpit much more comfortable. Not only was the glare gone, but I was also able to keep the cockpit cooler, reduce the UV radia- tion (and skin cancer risk) and still have excellent visibility outside. My wife and I both remarked on the sharp view, which is likely enhanced by the shades’ slight bronze tinting. These benefits also have the potential to reduce pilot fatigue, es- pecially after long cross-country flights.
So, how do they perform in turbulence and higher G situations? In brief light to moderate turbulence episodes, I found the shades to stay firmly in place. At lower altitudes, I loaded up the airplane in a 60-degree, 2G banked turn and they did not budge.
Jet Shades pricing varies for each air- craft, ranging from $299 for a Cessna 182, $599 for larger pistons, $799 for the Eclipse and $1,199 for numerous Cita- tions. The company is also developing products for larger jets including a set they recently made for a Boeing 737.
If you are on the search for a high- quality cockpit shade option, it is worth looking at Jet Shades. And if you get a chance to talk with Kevin in person, you will learn more about cockpit comfort than you ever thought existed. To learn more, visit
After 11,000 hours of piloting over 90 aircraft models, Rich Pickett still has a passion for flying. Rich holds an ATP, CFII SME, SES, glid- er licenses, and type ratings in the L29, L39, Citation 500/510s/525s, Eclipse 500S and DA10. His company, Personal Wings, provides training, mentoring and aircraft services. You can contact Rich at rich@person-
March 2019

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