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looking to honor loved ones and support the Doc’s Friends mission.
From the second-floor balcony, visitors can overlook the entire airplane while also browsing the various displays and arti- facts lining the walls and floor. The Doc’s Friends hangar design committee visited museums for inspiration as well as turned to a local space museum, the Cosmos- phere, to help bring Doc’s story to life. With a simple stroll, visitors are able to gain a solid appreciation and understand- ing of the B-29’s role in WWII.
Doc previously operated out of McConnell Air Force Base where the aircraft was at the mercy of the Federal Government, Air Force and Air Capital Flight Line security. Now in its new home, Doc’s Friends expects operations of the B-29 to be simpler but the group must still adhere to security measures laid out by the FAA, TSA, Airport Authority and the Airport Police Department.
One of the issues Doc faced during the restoration phase was the Kansas weather. The aircraft was often required to be outside in the elements, and if the temperatures dropped below 50 degrees, the oil in the engines started to thicken and grounded the aircraft – halting any engine runs or flying. But now, in its new heated hangar, the B-29 is well protected and can withstand a longer flying season.
B-29 Doc “ride experiences” will begin in April, with the 2019 tour season kicking off in May. The group plans to travel to 12 to 15 air shows throughout the year. The ultimate goal is for the aircraft and the facility to be self-sustainable. All proceeds from airshow fees, ride experiences and merchandise sales go directly into main- taining the aircraft and facility.
Crew and Volunteers
Support from the Commemorative Air Force and FIFI crew is instrumental as Doc’s Friends works toward finding and training its own full crew. Former KC-135 and B-1 Bomber pilot Mark Novak is the group’s chief pilot and also handles the scheduling of the crew. While crewmem- bers are primarily based in the Midwest, the team is open to bringing in others from across the country.
Doc’s Friends currently has around 100 active volunteers with 30 to 40 being
day-to-day regulars. The team has been busy with standard winter maintenance with the year’s first test flights scheduled for late March. The hangar also opens to the public this month.
“We are always looking for ways to bring more people on, and will soon start a volunteer recruitment process to start bringing in that next generation,” said Wells. “The greatest compliment we can give our volunteers is that their legacy will continue. We want Doc to outlive all of us.”
For more information or to sup- port the Doc’s Friends mission, visit
Jenna Reid is known among the avionics community from her time as the copy editor for Avi- onics News. It was there that she developed her love for flight. With nearly a decade of promoting GA throughout the world, she continues to indulge her passion for avia- tion while also owning a business in Wichita, Kansas. Jenna can be contacted at jenna.f.reid@
March 2019

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