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“Is there something that I can help you with?” It was a voice that came from the doorway of a nearby room. A hand- some, slender twenty-something-year-old guy strolled into the office. “My name is Ernesto Igel and my friend Fares and I are ferrying a Skyhawk from Boston to São Paulo. We heard you on frequency. Please explain what you are trying to do, and I will see if we can straighten things out.”
My first thought was this guy just rode in on a golden chariot wearing a Super- man cape and was going to save me. My second thought was Boston? Are you kid- ding me? My trip is 30 hours and theirs is probably 50! Holy cow, their rear ends are going to be sore when this is over.
I explained that my company had sold the Bonanza to a customer in Londrina, Brazil and that I am the ferry pilot and somehow needed to get through the cus- toms and importation process.
Ernesto started talking to the officials explaining what I was doing. They still seemed angry. Ernesto started to raise his voice back to them. Back and forth they went, pointing at the documents almost yelling at each other.
Ocean Reef
March 2019

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