Page 7 - Mar17ABS
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o Better Performance
by Dianne White
Photos by Jet Quest
TSometimes the simplest ideas are the most effective.
amarack Aero has developed a product that is not only elegant in its simplicity, but delivers extraordinary results. The company has developed a winglet system for the Citation 525 family of light jets that allows it to fly farther, consume less fuel and lower
operating costs without the weight and complexity penalty of traditional winglets.
And the numbers behind these improvements are nothing short of impressive: 20 percent fuel savings on a 2.5-hour trip vs. the stock airplane; 10 percent increase in range; climbs to altitude in under 25 minutes; maximum zero fuel weight increase of 400 pounds.
The small Sandpoint, Idaho company with the big idea has unleashed new potential in the most popular owner-flown, single-pilot jet — the 525, 525A, and 525B — allowing it to perform as well or better than its bigger brothers within the Cessna Citation line.

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