Page 42 - March 2015 Volume 19 Number 3
P. 42

Record-Breaking 2014
By Rob Finfrock
More than 350 Cessna Citation
business jet owners, pilots,
and enthusiasts attended the 2014 Citation Jet Pilots Owners/ Pilots Association (CJP) convention last September, held at the historic Greenbrier resort in White Sulphur Springs, West Virginia. The three- day convention, which also hosted more than 100 Citations at nearby G Greenbrier Valley Airport (LWB) ) in Lewisburg, marked CJP’s most s successful annual owner event t since the organization’s first g g a at t h he er r i i n n g g i i n n 2 2009.
Informative Presentations and Interesting Speakers
CJP events traditionally host a a wide range of dynamic speakers, and this year’s Convention was no exception. At the beginning of the event’s second day, Textron CEO Scott Donnelly told attendees that he welcomed the opportunity to meet with CJP members, and he shared his perspectives on both the state of Cessna’s parent company and the numerous markets in which it competes.
“Hopefully what you’ve seen over the last few years is a significant commitment to this industry and business in terms of where we’re going with new product programs,” he said during his September 19 keynote address. “It has been a tough cycle, but one where we’ve committed to being in better shape coming out of it.”
Following his presentation, Donnelly took several questions from the audience. He also polled attendees about what they would most like to see in future generations of Citation aircraft, with greater range t t h he e m mo o s s t t p p o o p p u u l l a a r r r r e e s s p p o on n s s e e. .
Other speakers throughout • • • •TWIN & TURBINE
the convention included former NASA astronaut Charlie Precourt, Jacksonville Center controller and NATCA representative Luke Alcorn, Radar Training International founder and president Erik Eliel; aviation attorney John Yodice; and aeromedical professional Dr. Q Q u u a a y y S S n n y y d d e e r r. .
On the show’s third and final d day, USAF Col. Mark Tillman gave a a rousing, well-attended presentation o on “Flying Air Force One,” including g anecdotes about being on the flight d deck of the storied U.S. presidential l aircraft in the hours following the 9 9 / / 1 11 1 a a t t t t a a c c k k s s . .
S Sa af fe et t y y i in n F Fo oc cu us s
Another hallmark of all CJP owner events is an emphasis on safety. Day Two focused on “Operating Your Citation,” with a host of seminars dedicated to the very latest operating tips and procedures for both legacy and newer-model aircraft, as well as the engines and avionics systems used throughout the Citation line. Educational sessions devoted to addressing operational concerns, learning more about aircraft avionics and systems, and analyzing pilot performance, provided open and honest forums for members to discuss matters affecting their flight operations.
First-time attendee Rick Schwartz, who purchased his first Citation (an M2) in January 2014, noted that
these sessions represented “a great time to ask all the questions that you may be afraid to ask, and you’ll get great, frank answers.”
This year’s event also marked the first “Show Me Your Citation” interactive event at LWB, with approximately a half-dozen Citation owners displaying their aircraft and answering questions from current a a n n d d p p r r o o s s p p e e c c t t i i v ve e C C i it t a a t t i i o o n n o ow w n n e e r r s s . .
R Ru us ss s M Me ey ye er r C Ci it t a at ti io on n L Li ib br ra ar r y y U Up pd da at te e
Without question, the largest s single initiative currently underway y by CJP is the creation of the Russ Meyer Citation Library (RMCL), a an innovative, one-stop online e resource for CJP Members wanting to learn about the safe operation and maintenance of their aircraft. Convention attendees heard an enthusiastic and informative update about the program’s progress, including the announcement of a partnership between CJP and the Prescott, Arizona campus of Embry Riddle Aeronautical University to speed the library’s development.
ERAU faculty member Randy Rehbach, who will oversee the project on the university side, said this cooperation offers his students “a couple of really good synergies,” including introduction of a business aviation perspective. “The Russ Meyer Citation Library will be about sharing information and gaining knowledge, and that’s
also what Embry Riddle is a a b b o o u u t t , ,” ” h h e e a a d d d d e e d d . .
“This Room Moves the Market”
Continuing a tradition that began in 2009, CJP Regional Director and jetAVIVA CEO Cyrus Sigari provided attendees with an overview on the state of the
MARCH 2015
Peter Stratton Photos

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