Page 11 - March 2015 Volume 19 Number 3
P. 11

doesn’t require a great deal of braking, and the anti-skid brakes and lift-dumping flaps and spoilers give plenty of stopping power.
The sumptuous interior welcomes passengers with facing club seats, plus two seats aft and a belted side- facing lavatory seat. The solid sliding doors for the lav are latched open for takeoff and landing because the overwing emergency exit is located in the right rear. The two aft seats have their own foldout worktables. Three AC power outlets are available, two in the cabin and one in the cockpit. Each seat has a USB power port and the Clairity entertainment and information system allows connectivity to personal devices. Reimer showed the aft club seat’s ability to be slid back into an unoccupied rear seat’s leg space, if greater stretchout room is desired with a light load. Most importantly, he pointed out that the forward refreshment center’s coffeepot is now reachable from the cockpit; it can be swapped out for a side-facing bench seat if desired.
Moving Up
Ready to go flying, we reviewed the mission profile. With 4,000 pounds of fuel and three people on board, we were at roughly 13,000 pounds for start-up, so we would be down to the 12,750 maximum-landing weight in short order. Reimer said that the CJ3+ will carry about 660 pounds of payload in the cabin with full fuel; of course, leaving out a mere 100 gallons of fuel will double that figure. He counts on using 1100-1200 pounds of fuel for the first hour of flight and an 800 PPH average fuel burn thereafter. Our flight plan was for a filed altitude of 43,000 feet to the west, over VARNR intersection, then south to Mitbee VOR in Oklahoma, east to Enid, then back to Anthony VOR and Wichita for the recovery.
Entering the restyled cockpit, we noted that the seat tracks are longer to enhance legroom and it was relatively easy to thread our
MARCH 2015
Turbines Inc. Half Page 4/C Ad
Nashua Flight Simulator Sixth Page
4/C Ad

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