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   HondaJet in service at SGJ
in the southeast, which means that we’re responsible for sales and ser- vice in Florida, Georgia, the Caro- linas, Tennessee, Alabama, Missis- sippi, and Louisiana. We have been supporting AOG (aircraft on ground) calls from Ft. Lauderdale before the expansion, so having our location in North Florida makes it much more efficient to take care of our custom- ers from an obvious geographic per- spective. In addition, since Volato, a major HondaJet charter operator, has a base at SGJ, it makes a lot of sense to take care of their fleet of 25 aircraft at our facility.
LP: Do you plan to expand your service capabilities at SGJ, or do you intend to keep it HondaJet only?
CA: Over time, we intend to cover every airframe we service in Ft. Lau- derdale, here in St. Augustine.
LP: Does the expansion mean that your customers in Ft. Lauder- dale will now enjoy some freed-up capacity there?
CA: In a sense, yes. Our facility is at capacity in Ft. Lauderdale, and pre-SGJ, some of our customers were overflying St. Augustine to come to Banyan. Now they don’t have to. It’s much more convenient for our cus-
 Arriving for inspection
June 2024 / TWIN & TURBINE • 19

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