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  Standard Aero
Pilot Peace of Mind
To start, owners build their aircraft into the Coflyt system beginning with general data such as the make and model, tail number and home airport. Once the basic air- craft profile is created, you can then enter more detailed maintenance tracking reminders for your specific airplane based on maintenance records and current aircraft time. Coflyt includes predetermined inspection categories to fill out such as VFR requirements, IFR requirements and engine. Under the VFR section, you are prompted to enter inspections such as the last annual, transponder and ELT inspections, as well as other miscellaneous data like insurance policy and registration renewal dates. IFR inspections will have fields for altimeter/pitot-static in- spection, VOR check and GPS navigation database. The engine(s) section will populate fields for an oil change and a target major overhaul.
Some inspections will default to known timeframes for the designated inspection (i.e., annual will recur every 12 months), while others will allow you to define the time based on the date or flight time. Reminders can be added and customized for any inspection to provide an alert be- fore coming due. Tracked items can also be designated as “grounded when overdue” to prevent scheduling when the aircraft is no longer airworthy due to an expired inspection.
With the predetermined inspections populated, users can further define and track anything to make the aircraft management experience easier – adding or editing data at any time. Coflyt has even made the daunting task of tracking ADs a simple process by interfacing directly with the FAA’s airworthiness directive database. It is as simple as pressing the “Import ADs” button. Using the aircraft’s registration data, the app will populate all possible ADs based on aircraft make and model. You can then select any that apply and enter the data for the last completion for future tracking.
In the Palm of Your Hand
With the maintenance trackers in place, your Coflyt air- craft dashboard is now set up for monitoring and alerting. From a single screen, you can quickly determine aircraft status, schedule availability, fuel status, as well as see any upcoming or overdue items you are tracking. You can also share your aircraft with your “ownership team,” which may include mechanics, other owners/pilots, insurance brokers, etc. It is a great tool to keep everyone up to date with what’s happening with the aircraft at any time.
If you operate in a co-ownership, partnership, or lease time to other pilots, Coflyt also offers scheduling and billing features. The schedule is intuitive to use and will allow all pilots to see when the aircraft is reserved for a flight or maintenance. Each user can elect to have email or text notifications sent to them when a new reservation is made, and the aircraft calendar can be synced with your personal calendar via one-way sync.
For billing, Coflyt has options to set up fixed-cost billing (monthly), as well as hourly. All transactions are saved and
June 2021 / TWIN & TURBINE • 5

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