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  Editor’s Briefing
by Rebecca Groom Jacobs
INew Website Goes Live
am thrilled to announce the launch of the new industry veterans and young professionals. And for those Twin & Turbine website! of you reading who own high-performance pistons, much
Visit and you’ll find T&T’s cur- rent issue, past issues, writer bios, contact information, advertising material and more – content familiar to our previous site but splashed with a fresh look and presenta- tion. I am also excited to reveal T&T’s first-ever promo-
tional video found on the website’s homepage as well as our Facebook page (@twinturbinemag) for easy sharing. If you are newer to Twin & Turbine, we are the only monthly aviation magazine that speaks exclusively to owner-pilots of high-performance twins, turboprops and jets. Focusing on such a specific niche allows us to deliver deeply personalized and relevant aviation journalism to support owners in the safe, efficient and enjoyable opera-
tion of their aircraft.
Our team of dozen-plus contributing writers all work “in
the field” and include active pilots, acclaimed instructors,
of our content surrounding safety and industry develop- ments remains pertinent. We also incorporate a sizeable amount of information regarding the piston to turbine transition. Put simply, T&T is true pilot talk.
As a reminder, owner-pilots can access and read T&T (for free) across a variety of channels – print, online, digital page-turn or downloadable PDF. We strive to make it simple for readers to find the information they need regarding various aircraft models, training and safety, market trends and the latest industry offerings. As always, if there is a particular product or topic you wish to see highlighted in a future issue, please do not hesitate to reach out to me directly with your ideas.
After 24 years, T&T continues to fulfill its mission to be a community for pilots to learn, grow and just plain enjoy the wonderful world of general aviation we are so fortunate to know. Thank you for your readership.
Product Reviews | Turbine & Piston Operations | Safety & Training Market Trends | Aircraft Upgrades | Industry News | Lifestyle Features
Written By Pilots For Pilots
          2 • TWIN & TURBINE / June 2021

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