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 TWhat's Your Story?
win & Turbine is in search of more feature stories for the “Owner’s Corner” – a space dedicated to stories featuring you, the reader and owner-pilot.
The intent here is to stretch beyond a typical flight review and deeply explore various owner-flown air- craft through an operator’s eyes. Whether its operational nuances, maintenance know-how or mission performance – who knows an airplane better than its longtime owner?
Maybe it’s sharing time-tested learnings about your air- plane, discussing a recent upgrade experience, detailing a memorable trip, or sharing how your aircraft enhances your personal or professional life – this is our formal in- vitation for you to submit a story for potential publication in Twin & Turbine. Features can be written either by you or a member of our team.
   Submit your story idea to and we will work with you directly throughout the process.
   28 • TWIN & TURBINE / June 2021
Paul Bowen

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