Page 9 - Demo
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The Atlas winglets use a load-alleviation device called Tamarack Active Camber Surface (TACS).
It was amazing to put increased load on the wing then watch the rear control surface of the winglet move as the ATLAS computer responds to the increased aerodynamic load. I thought it was so cool that I kept doing it – increasing the load more each time to see the change in deflection of the tab. This is exactly what you want it to do! Similar to how our wings f lex in f light (which you see very dramatically in aircraft such as the Boeing 787 and B-52), this relieves the loading. Watching this technology in action made me wonder why no one thought of this before.
I completed numerous rudder def lections at various altitudes, keeping the aileron control neutral, removing my hands then pushing the rudder until I obtained 20-30 degrees of bank. I would then take my feet off the rudder and see if the bank angle would diverge and increase each cycle or oscillate around the bank I initiated. In every case, up to FL430, the
The winglets add approximately seven feet of wingspan and sweep up approximately four feet above the wing.
aircraft oscillated a few times then stabilized. Of course, I did all of these with Yaw damper off, feet on the floor.
Typically, when I fly a CJ3 to FL450, I use a high-speed climb with a low pitch angle to minimize the time accelerating to VMMO at cruise. But during this test flight, we climbed at a higher angle requiring me to pick up speed once level at FL450 (which we made in 28 minutes and burned approximately 700 lbs of fuel). It was a very hot day, with several levelling requests by ATC and a gross weight in excess of 13,000 lbs.
Once level at FL450 (ISA -3 degrees), we accelerated from our climb speed to just a knot or two below MMO in about 8 minutes. This allowed me time to review performance numbers.
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