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editor’s brie ng by Rebecca Groom Jacobs
June 2018
A NewIChapter
t is with great honor and pleasure that I write my first editorial briefing.
First, I want to thank Dianne White for this incredible opportunity. I have been writing for Twin & Turbine since early 2017 and she has quickly become one of my greatest mentors and inspirations. Her cre- ativity, professionalism and drive are of levels I hope to match as I accept the T & T baton. I’m sure we would all agree that I have big shoes to fill, but I am thankful that we will continue to see her writings and support going forward.
In the May issue, you may have caught Dianne’s overview of my background. To summarize, I am a pri- vate pilot and marketing graduate; over the past six years I’ve been fortunate to work on projects with sev- eral renowned aviation companies, primarily aircraft OEMs, including Textron Aviation, Piper Aircraft, Quest Aircraft and Mooney International. The people, aircraft, events (this year will be my eighth straight Oshkosh) and work have absolutely had me hooked. And as life would have it, I married a professional pilot. My husband is just about as excited for this opportunity as I am!
But general aviation’s presence in my life goes back even further than my career. For as long as I can remember, I have been in and around small aircraft and airports, growing up in the back of our family’s Bo- nanza. My father is a pilot and 35+ year veteran in the business aviation industry. He is assuredly the reason my older sister decided to pursue her pilot’s license and aviation degree. And as younger siblings often do, I ultimately followed my sister and entered the aviation industry upon graduating Oklahoma State University
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just as she did (even starting out at the same company, Piper Aircraft). My flight training, however, was certainly unconventional and unique...but I’ll save that story for another time. I look forward to sharing more about my upbringing, aviation experiences and industry observations as the months go on.
Let’s Talk Twin & Turbine
Today, Twin & Turbine continues to be the only monthly aviation magazine that speaks directly to the turbine owner-pilot. It is delivered to nearly 40,000 owners around the world and put simply, is true “pilot talk.”
It is my mission to ensure this publication remains a valuable resource for owner-pilots with topics surrounding the safe, efficient and enjoyable operation and ownership of high-performance twins, turboprops and jets. Building upon its foundation, I look to re-invigorate the magazine with fresh perspectives, design and insightful edito- rial. T & T already has a fantastic group of regular contributors and I hope to soon add a few more.
But first, I would like to hear from you, the reader. One of my immediate initiatives as editor is to conduct a readership survey – a T & T first. This survey feedback will help ensure we are delivering exactly what

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