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Managed Co-Ownership
Innovative ownership model goes from concept to reality, receiving a positive market response.
A map displaying PIA’s current co-ownership opportunities throughout the United States.
by Jordan Sok
Since the Wright Brothers, operators have fought to leverage the benefits of aviation at a sensible cost. Over a century late, aircraft users flying less than 200 hours per year are engaging in the same battle.
Last year, a new company Partners in Aviation (PIA) introduced a unique path to ownership that delivers many of the benefits of whole aircraft access while simplifying the risks and costs. Today, their “managed co-ownership” concept, which pairs two regionally based operators under a structured agreement, has become a reality with customers now engaged and in the air.
“We are still a young company, but the strong market response is what we were hoping for,” said Mark Molloy, PIA co-founder and president. “We have clients in the air, aircraft on order with OEMs, multiple co-owner matches complete, contracts in hand to deliver on and a map of over 175 genuine opportunities. It’s clear the program has hit a nerve with owners and operators in this space.”
Removing Barriers: An Owner’s Story
Former business owner and investor Chris Scatliff understands the struggle of justifying aircraft cost with low-time usage. After retiring, Scatliff and his wife be- gan traveling frequently between homes in Florida and the Bahamas as well as other destinations throughout the United States and Europe.
“Much of our travel involves complex connections,” said Scatliff. “We were using a combination of commer- cial flights and a jet-card, but it was becoming an expen- sive arrangement. I decided to look into sole-ownership, but our usage was simply too low to justify the jump.”
Scatliff began considering a partnership but was hes- itant to enter one due to the risk involved.
“That’s when I found Partners in Aviation,” said Scatliff. “When I read more about the structure and purpose to eliminate common partnership dan-
gers and increase aircraft access, I was intrigued and wanted to learn more.”
June 2018

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