Page 38 - Volume 20 No. 6
P. 38

JUNE 2016
Learning to fly a new model of airplane can be challenging. But, now a days, it’s not controlling the airframe that provides the stress. It’s learning the avionics. Many of us go to large training centers, sit in small classes, and are introduced to avionics systems that are new to us. In owner flown jets, there are usually three choices when it comes to flight decks: (1) the true legacy, non-integrated packages (2) Rockwell Collins’ ProLine 21 FMS 3000, or (3) Garmin’s G1000 or G3000. Having flown all of the above, I can truthfully say that all are very capable and each has its own strengths and weaknesses. But when it comes to classroom training, I have definite preferences.
No flat screen training devices, please. I am a knob man.
I like the tactile feel of tuning the navs, selecting the altitude, and
Touchy Feely
by David Miller

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