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off expeditiously, but that does not mean you can’t delay a few seconds to announce your departure before you take the runway. Further, you need to monitor the Common Traffic Advisory Frequency (CTAF), 122.7 in this case, long enough before you announce your departure that you’ll hear any other pilots calling in...for example, a Citation pilot who has broken out high on the approach and cancelled his IFR clearance, permitting controllers to issue your release, or the pilot of a VFR airplane legally entering the pattern beneath the clouds in the Class G airspace.
“Shouldn’t the controller have advised the Piaggio pilot about the Citation on final approach, when the controller gave the Piaggio pilot his release?” you might ask. Yes, but recall that even between two IFR airplanes traffic advisories need only be provided on a time- available basis. It was pretty busy over Wichita that morning, and the controller may not have had time to issue a traffic advisory. Regardless of whether a traffic callout if given, controllers will make sure two IFR airplanes or an IFR airplane and a VFR airplane participating in radar services are kept separated from one another. However, since the Citation was no longer an IFR airplane and was no longer participating in ATC services, and since, by virtue of having cancelled his IFR clearance in the air, the Citation pilot was signifying that conditions were visual in the pattern over Jabara, visual “see and avoid” becomes the separation standard. The controller was not required to warn the Piaggio pilot of visual traffic on the approach, and even if he did it was assumed the pilots would see and avoid each other.
Even more importantly, you need to visually clear the runway and the airspace before “taking the active.” Not all airplanes have radios; pilots sometimes transmit on the wrong frequency or don’t transmit at all. And workload may cause you to miss
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