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 How to Prepare for Your First Recurrent Jet Training & Proficiency Check
by Tigre Pickett
 Preparing for your first jet recur- rent training and proficiency check can be as nerve-wrack- ing as your initial type rating,
especially if you leave your study and practice until the last minute.
While every pilot responds dif- ferently to testing and evaluation environments, one thing remains consistent: quality preparation and persistent practice will greatly im- prove your experience.
Recurrent training serves to un- cover and address your blind spots. By embracing the opportunity to learn, grow, and confront challenges, pilots reduce their risk factor. When you arrive exceptionally prepared, not only will you enjoy the process more, but you’ll also efficiently accomplish
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the required tasks and truly put your skills to the test.
Here are some suggestions and timelines to help you prepare for your recurrent check ride. This timeline starts the day after you receive your initial rating and extends for a year, give or take a few days since your rat- ing is valid through the end of the cal- endar month in which you received it.
Day Zero
Congratulations on passing your check ride! The first thing to do is rest. Whether you’re on cloud nine be- cause your check ride went smoothly or you’re exhausted from late-night cram sessions to meet ACS standards, take a moment to relax. Remember that there is a world outside the simu- lator, and life goes on regardless of
your performance. Connect with your loved ones, indulge in activities you’ve put off, enjoy life, and engage in exer- cise. The hard work is done, so allow yourself to unwind.
TAKE OFF: Week One
After resting and possibly enjoying some f lying without engine failures or adverse weather conditions, take time to review your proficiency check debrief and assess your strengths and weaknesses from training.
Acknowledge the areas where you felt comfortable. Ref lect on why they felt fluid and seamless. You’ll likely dis- cover that these elements were more familiar to you because you practiced them. With your weaker areas, make an honest list — there’s no sense in pre- tending or sugarcoating things. Being

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