Page 29 - JULY 20 TNT
P. 29
From the Flight Deck
by Kevin R. Dingman
Cabin Class Fever
After the Great Lockdown: The Great Lakes = Great Flying
cab·in fe·ver noun
The distressing, claustrophobic irritability
or restlessness experienced when a person
or group is stuck at an isolated location or
in confined quarters for an extended period.
Lately, we have all had cabin fever. And our restlessness, frustration and irritability became privately
and publicly evident – but no more. Now that we can resume flying, eat- ing out and buying toilet paper, a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity exists to see nature as it was in years past. While we’ve been in lockdown and not driving, flying or kicking up dust, a planet-wide reduction in air, water and particulate pollution has occurred. Ni- trogen dioxide pollution from vehicles, power plants and industrial activities decreased by as much as 60 percent. And particulate matter pollution has also decreased by 35 percent in parts of the world.
This reduction has allowed wildlife and vegetation (and our lungs) to flour- ish. Since we’re all looking forward to getting out of town to regain our social decorum, piloting proficiency and san- ity, once we clear the cobwebs from our piloting skills and the airplane’s
crevices, The Great Lakes can be a great, nature-as-it-was, cross-country destination.
Drain Your Sumps
We all went through our springtime, back-to-flying rituals after last winter just in time to enter the COVID lock- down. So, here we are again, non-profi- cient. Remember that there’s a big dif- ference between current vs. proficient, and we need to carefully climb back into the saddle. We are rusty pilots, f lying figuratively rusty airplanes. Our planes may have sat for two or three months. Complete the pref light slowly and completely making sure to look for nests from some of that flourishing wildlife mentioned above. If you don’t always drain your fuel sumps, don’t skip it this time. Check the battery of both your aircraft and EFB. Make sure you have all switches set, pen and notepad where you expect them to be and follow all checklists.
July 2020 / TWIN & TURBINE • 27