Page 13 - JULY 20 TNT
P. 13

Across the Atlantic: A Ferry Flight Review
by Joe Casey
Photos Courtesy of Joe Casey and Deanna Wallace
Change is usually not welcome when it first enters your life, but often in hindsight that change ends up being the start of a good thing. The
best-laid plans can be nice, but a diversion – an unplanned change that takes you down a road less traveled – can be the start of something exciting.
So was the case about six months ago when I was to fly a King Air 90 from India back to the United States. My colleague Deanna Wallace was flying with me to return a King Air 200. We were to fly in unison (not formation) together, landing at the same locations and within a short time from each other. Now, for me, that is a golden trip. I love long journeys in the mighty King Air. And the India to U.S. route takes a pilot through virtually every kind of climate, ranging from the humidity of India to the arid deserts of the Middle East, through Europe, and across the always unpredict- able North Atlantic and Northern Canada.
   July 2020 / TWIN & TURBINE • 11

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