Page 21 - Volume 20 Number 7
P. 21

NBAA’s Regional Forum Coming to White Plains, NY in September
Throughout the year, NBAA hosts three to network and expand their knowledge about
Regional Forums across the country to
bring together local business aircraft owners, operators, manufacturers, customers and other industry professionals to share knowledge, discuss issues affecting the region, and learn how business aviation can help companies succeed. Twin & Turbine readers are encouraged to attend NBAA’s last 2016 Regional Forum, to be held Sept. 15 in White Plains, NY.
NBAA’s Regional Forums are held at some of the most accessible airports and FBOs across the country, The Forums offer the opportunity for potential buyers and operators to compare and examine cutting edge business aircraft, side-by- side in one location.
Regional forums incorporate exhibits, static displays of aircraft and education sessions into one-day events located across the country to help introduce business aviation to local officials and prospective owners and operators, and to address any current issues in the regions. In the Forums’ exhibit halls, manufacturers and suppliers showcase their latest aviation equipment, products and services and are available to answer questions for interested parties.
Perhaps most importantly, the Forums also provide a local venue for aviation professionals
specific airport policies, environmental protocols, safety and security proposals, taxation, risks and regulations.
These gatherings serve to underscore the importance of business aviation to local leaders in business and government, as it positively impacts communities by aiding companies in efficiently performing day-to-day operations, generating new jobs and spurring economic activity and local investment.
Despite heavy rains, more than 2,200 people turned out for NBAA’s first regional forum of 2016 at West Palm Beach International Airport (PBI). With 120 exhibitors and 25 aircraft on static display, the event set an attendance record for NBAA’s South Florida forums. NBAA expects an equally enthusiastic gathering this month as aviation stakeholders throughout Southern California gather at Van Nuys Airport (VNY) on June 9.
Additional information about the White Plains forum, to be held at Westchester County Airport (HPN) is available at forums/2016HPN/.

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