Page 36 - TNT Jan 17
P. 36

Updated Bahamas, Caribbean TPilot’s Guides Now Available
he Aircraft Owners and Pilots
Association (AOPA) has taken over as the new publisher of the ever-popular Bahamas and Caribbean Pilot’s Guides. The 2017 update is now available.
The Bahamas Pilot’s Guide and the Caribbean Pilot’s Guide have been pub- lished since 1979 and contain maps, procedures, Customs and Immigration information, phone numbers, frequen- cies, fuel availability, aerial photos, forms, and other useful information for trip planning.
“Publishing the Bahamas and Carib- bean Pilot’s Guide is part of a broader AOPA strategy to connect aviators with destinations and provide tools and inspi- ration to explore new and exciting places both in the United States and GA-acces- sible neighbors,” said AOPA Senior Vice President of Marketing Jiri Marousek.
Marousek also noted that it is about 50 miles from Fort Lauderdale, Florida, to
Bimini, the westernmost Bahamas island, and that the Bahamian government has worked to make the country accessible to a diverse group of aviators, including sport pilots.
available on AOPA’s website.
compared to last year’s $19.1 billion, a contraction of 16.5 percent.
“There’s no way to sugarcoat the fact that these numbers are not what we had wanted to see,” GAMA President and CEO Pete Bunce said. “Unfortunately, they reflect the instability of the used aircraft market coupled with complicating global economic and geopolitical factors. What is encouraging is that every GAMA airplane and rotorcraft manufacturer has a new product development program recently completed or currently underway, so optimism for the future runs high.
“We look forward to working with the incoming administration and the new Congress, as well as their counterparts across the globe, to highlight the importance of a vibrant general and business aviation industry with manufacturing, maintenance, and overhaul jobs at its core,” Bunce continued. “We also welcome a focus  on making critical infrastructure
En Route
The books cost $34.95 each and are
GAMA Report Reflects ontinued Instability
CLate last year, General Aviation Manufacturers Association (GAMA) released the third-quarter shipment and billing numbers for the general aviation manufacturing industry. Worldwide, general aviation airplane shipments declined 3.5 percent, from the same period last year, with 1,504 units shipped in the first nine months of 2016 compared to 1,558 units in 2015. Rotorcraft shipments declined 16.0 percent to 615 units compared to 732 units in the same period last year. Combined airplane and rotorcraft billings were $15.9 billion year-to-date in 2016
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January 2017

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