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flying. What used to be 12 days of classroom instruction on systems, is now condensed to a daily briefing room discussion coupled with four hours of either VFT, VPT or FTD training. It is more cost effective for the company to shorten the number of training days, but the new,
Other than the obvious need to prepare for flying a new airplane in the real world by getting a handle on aircraft systems, the ground school devices serve a twofold purpose: the first is to prepare the student for the oral exam portion of the type rating. At my carrier, this oral exam is an ESV; Electronic Systems Evaluation. It is a computer-based, multiple-choice test consisting of memory items, limitations, systems knowledge and company procedures. The test is scenario based. Different aircraft events and situations along with the associated cockpit indications are presented and the student must select the appropriate actions, description of the event or applicable limitation parameters from three or four choices. The second objective of the nine-day ground school is to prepare the student for the next section of the training cycle: the Level D, full-motion simulator. Preparation for the simulator is validated by administering an evaluation of the procedures learned in ground school using the same VFD, VPT or FTD. Once proficient, simulator flight scenarios with bad weather, anomalies and emergencies can begin on Day One.
The Box
Training in a Class D simulator at the airlines is similar from airplane to airplane and to that of high-performance airplanes in general aviation. You learn and demonstrate both knowledge and ability in all normal procedures and a wide range of abnormal and emergency procedures. Emphasis is placed on single- engine approaches and engine failures before and after V1.
You learn and practice stall prevention and recovery, upset recovery, windshear avoidance and escape, terrain awareness and avoidance, TCAS interpretation and compliance as well as low visibility (300 RVR) takeoffs and aborts. You practice and demonstrate basic instrument skills such as holding, flying an offset course, intercepting GPS courses, navigating fix to fix, flying both climb-via RNAV departures and descend-via RNAV arrivals and ILS and non-ILS approaches including category II and III approaches and go-arounds. You also practice and demonstrate use of PRM and SMGCS procedures. Most of the simulator work is at night in IMC and icing conditions.
internet and it must be verified complete before going to training. It’s better than the old days when we prepared in advance of the official “schoolhouse” training by gathering homemade study material on our own from other pilots or purchased it over-the-counter.
The video series covers all the bells and whistles from aircraft dimensions and components, to aircraft systems, limitations and procedures, to the nitrogen generating system for fuel tank fire suppression, to the entertainment systems and lavatory fresh air venting.
The Syllabus
All training is conducted under the backdrop of crew resource management and the use of threat-and-error management techniques. Once at the schoolhouse, the course is nine days of ground school and 10 days of simulator
action-packed schedule invariably makes you feel behind the power curve and causes my cup to runneth over. Virtual Flight Deck is the first level of ground school training and the device
represents several sections of the cockpit on 2D flat screens. It is used to learn where switches, controls and displays are located and is the first step in cockpit familiarization. The next level is the Virtual Procedure Trainer. These are many flat screens arranged in 3D and is a magnitude of reality above the VFD. It includes touch- screen functionality, which allows student interaction with the device. The final level of ground school training uses a Flight Training Device. This is an actual Level D simulator with the motion function disabled making it a Level 7 FTD. This allows complete interaction with all switches and controls.
January 2017 TWIN & TURBINE • 29

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