Page 25 - TTFebruary2018
P. 25
Carl ies the Cirrus Vision Jet on an evaluation ight.
2) What particular advancements in avionics technology have had the biggest impact on safety?
TCAS systems, TAWS (GPWS) and topographical mapping – all are excellent contributors to improved situational aware- ness and safety. Along with advanced new-generation auto- pilot systems using MEMS-based AHRS (as opposed to iron gyros) that include safety features such as electronic stability and protection (ESP) and emergency decent mode (EDM).
I used to joke that airborne weather radar came over on the Mayflower, but considering the number of technological advances that have driven new radar designs over the years, I would also add this product to the list, given its benefit of real- time tactical weather avoidance.
3) For the past decade (starting with the G1000), Garmin has been a dominant player in the develop- ment of integrated flight decks for new aircraft. How does Garmin keep the fire lit to continually pursue innovation and improvements?
Simply put, Garmin is strongly committed to serving our customers, both current and future, with continuously im- proved-upon products. This is the same culture and passion our founders instilled in the business from the beginning. For example, with regard to the G1000, entry into service occurred in July 2004, but Garmin has since implemented dozens of new features, interfaces and enhancements – nearly all of which are designed to be compatible and upgradable with the first systems delivered over 10 years ago. Synthetic Vision Technol- ogy (SVT) being one of the more notable enhancements.
4) With the improved economic outlook, general avia- tion is poised for growth. What happenings or trends do you envision occurring in the marketplace over the next decade?
I am feeling very optimistic for the future of our industry. Along with everyone else, Garmin was impacted during the economic downturn. However, we did not allow it to affect our ongoing investments. Judging by recent new aircraft develop- ments and product announcements, other manufacturers also recognize the need for innovation. Trend-wise, I think we can expect new entrants into the avionics space over time (more
so on the small-airplane side). The FAA has done an amazing job in recent years in focusing on safety and the speed in which innovation can occur and be certi- fied on certain aircraft.
5) Garmin seems to be increasing its investment of new products for the retrofit market. Why is this an impor- tant market for Garmin to focus on?
I can see why it appears that way. The past three years were incredible in terms of new products of ours reaching the fin- ish line. But the truth is we’ve been work- ing on these products for a long time! Along with forward-fit solutions in G1000,
G3000 and G50•00 (plus the rotorcraft de- rivatives) and more recently NXi, I think it gives the appear- ance that we’re just coming back to the retrofit solutions. But we’ve been developing “retrofit” products all along as it is a
very important market for Garmin. T&T
Carl Wolf (far right) with Dick Rutan and Jeana Yeager, the duo who ew the rst non-stop, non-refueled ight around the world in 1986. Wolf was instrumental in designing and equipping their aircraft Voyager with King Radio navigation equipment.
February 2018
Rebecca Groom Jacobs can be contacted at rebecca@