Page 32 - Dec 19 TNT
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Once V1 is reached, the G150 land- ing gear requires a fairly heavy pull on the control column to get the nose wheel off the ground and the aircraft pitched up. Shortly after, the back pressure must be released or the nose will point toward the heavens with the climb rate going to 4,000 fpm. Despite being briefed on this detail, I take way too long to release the back pressure to get the nose down on my first takeoff. In Learjets, if you lower the nose too much, you will almost certainly get an over-speed warning as you blast through 250 knots. Yet anoth- er slight but significant difference to remember.
Once airborne, we perform a se- ries of maneuvers then return to do some landings. With a trailing beam gear, a very gentle landing in the G150 is certainly possible. But, this is to be avoided if the runway is on the shorter end because the spoil- er deployment system will not be
activated until weight on the wheels is fully established. So, the idea is to “put it firmly on the ground” un- less you have a couple of miles of runway. Then, as the landing roll slows down, make sure to remem- ber the nose wheel control is again switched to the left seat pilot, who then taxis the airplane back to the ramp while the right seat pilot runs the after landing checklist. Ah, more differences.
WhenIwasinmy20sandanew f light instructor, I routinely told new students, “All airplanes basically f ly the same, and the bigger they are,
the easier it is.” And, in a certain way, I still believe that to be true. But on the other hand, 11,000 flight hours and multiple type ratings have taught me that it is true only if the word “f ly” is narrowly defined. Al- though all airplanes essentially f ly the same, their operational complex- ity increases almost directly with the maximum takeoff weight. Plus, all have design differences peculiar to the manufacturer that sometimes leave you wondering, “What were they thinking?”
It is the differences that you have to pay attention to.
Kevin Ware is an ATP who also holds CFI, MEII and he- licopter ratings, has more than 10,000 hours and is typed in several different business jets. He has been flying for a living on and off since he was 20, and currently works as a contract pilot for various corporations in the Seattle area. When not working as a pilot he is employed part time as an emergency and urgent care physician. He can be reached at
Paul Bowen Photography
30 • TWIN & TURBINE / December 2019 Jet Journal