Page 26 - Twin and Turbine December 16
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to do if success mandates flying the missed approach.
Climb straight ahead: Many missed approach procedures are quite complicated, but they all begin the same way: climb straight ahead before turning. Keep the wings level as you advance power. If the airplane is properly trimmed, pitch attitude will trend toward that needed for climb. “Proper” trim would be one that results in an indicated airspeed close to optimum for climb. There are any number of reasons to fly this airspeed or that for an instrument approach. The best rationale (in my opinion) favors flying at the speed at which you’ll climb on the missed approach. That way, when you advance power and reconfigure the airplane for climb, it’ll already be trimmed for the missed approach airspeed. It’ll tend to do exactly what you want it to in this high- workload operation.
Configure for climb: Once power is up and attitude is right, begin reconfiguring the airplane for climb. Some airplanes require retracting flaps right away, especially at higher density altitudes. Others will climb just fine with partial flaps out. Some, like the Beech Barons I often fly, have a decided pitch-down tendency with flap retraction which suggests the pilot not be in any hurry to bring flaps up in the first 400 feet of a missed approach. Experience or a little instruction in the airplane you fly will teach what’s best for you.
After you’re on attitude and speed for climb and you have a positive rate of climb, retract landing gear and retract any remaining flaps as needed. Don’t forget to open cowl flaps if your engines require a lot of cooling air at high power/high angle of attack, but this can wait until you’re at least 400 feet into your climb.
Prepare to navigate: After you’re climbing in trim with the wings level, navigate the missed approach. You reduce workload and increase success by having most of the
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