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EN ROUTEvioniCs R.C.AExceeding the standardsR.C. AvionicsTrustworthySixth PageCompetent4/C Ad35 Years ExperienceUp-Grade 763-398-3920TBM Owners and Pilots Association Convention Brings Daher Turboprop Family TogetherThe TBM Owners and Pilots Association (TBMOPA) announced a record attendance at its latest annual gathering, held October 7-11. Over 100 TBMs – including 20 of the new TBM 900s, as well as the predecessor TBM 850s and TBM 700s – arrived at Charleston Executive Airport (KJZI) in South Carolina.TBMOPA’s meeting included three days of dynamic learning sessions customized for the TBM aircraft family, featuring presentations by industry leaders and Daher, the aircraft manufacturer, along with TBM vendors such as Pratt & Whitney Canada.While the program included presentations specific to the TBM very fast turboprop product line, there were topics covering more general areas – such as airmanship and safety. This year’s topics included ADS-B, training, a Pratt & Whitney engine update and a safety review, among many others.Attracting almost a quarter of the entire North American TBM fleet, the 2015 TBMOPA annual convention remained the largest fly-in convention dedicated to a single-engine turbine aircraft or small private jets – registering an increase in attendance of four percent from last year. The 2015 TBMOPA Convention attracted more than 100 TBM 700/850/900s to historic Charleston, South Carolina; 150 owners, 30 vendors and 325-plus attendees were present at the event.“Year after year, the TBM gathering continues to improve in quality as well as numbers of attendees, and we are proud to bring our support to this high-level flying community,” commented NicolasDECEMBER 2015Chabbert, Senior Vice President of the Daher Airplane Business Unit. “This 12th TBMOPA Convention maintained the event’s ascension under the direction of Chairman Frank McKee, with its organization remarkably managed by Bill Alberts and Andrew Knott.”Chairman McKee noted that the 2015 convention enabled the TBM family to take part in much- appreciated safety seminars, especially in the field of high- altitude training, while other sessions were devoted to operational techniques. “Once again, our annual event offered an excellent way for owners to learn and socialize with each other, meet with vendors, and talk with personnel from Daher,” McKee added. “The social events encouraged further discussions about flying and offered the means to develop friendships. My thanks also go to the vendors who participated, providing support and financial contributions for the TBMOPA’s charitable foundation.”Among the 2015 gathering’s highlights was the presence of two French Army TBM 700 pilots, Captains Dupont and Michiels, who flew one of the service’s aircraft from their Rennes, France base – marking the 20th anniversary of this cornerstone TBM version’s service entry in their unit. In addition, the pilots performed an aerial demonstration with their TBM 700 as an introduction to the TBMOPA’s gala dinner, held on the deck of the retired aircraft carrier Yorktown.Featured speakers at this year’s event were retired USAF Col. Mark Tillman, who related his experiences as the former Commander of Air Force One, NASA Astronaut Storey Musgrave, and Dr. David Strahle, who discussed preflight weatherHillaero Modification CenterSixth Page 4/C AdTWIN & TURBINE • 27

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