Page 25 - Dec15
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The easiest thing to do at that point would be to call the radar controller, announce that we have an avionics problem and request she confirm our position. But, she is talking non- stop to airline traffic departing Las Vegas International and we cannot get in a word edgewise. Luckily, it is severe VFR, and there is no traffic nearby on the TCAS. And so, as the airplane levels off at our assigned 6,000 feet on heading 250, we have a brief CRM-type discussion about the problem. For several reasons, we decide the Universal system on the PNF’s side is probably putting out the correct information, and I switch the autopilot back to ‘heading’ and start a right turn to 360 to re-intercept the 313 radial.While I am doing this, the PNF is waiting with his finger on the transmit button for a break on the frequency to announce our situation. But, at the very end of a sentence while talking to another aircraft, she suddenly says “Citation XXX, were you assigned the Right Turn Two departure?” The PNF replies with a professional “affirmative”, and adds that we are correcting to return to the 313 radial. The controller responds with an abrupt and tersely worded series of heading and altitude changes that leaves him no time for further explanation. As we leave her frequency a few minutes later she says...“when you land, call this number, 702...”We complete the trip without any further incident, and after landing my fellow pilot volunteers to look into the airplane issues, if I call the 702 number. I dial it up and am surprised to be switched to the exact same lady controller we had back in Nevada. She seems in a hurry, and not at all interested in hearing our side of the story. She says she needs to complete a computer form and just wants my name, address, phone number and pilot’s license type and number...the rest she says I can to talk to the FAA about. This does not sound at all good, so upon getting home I promptly fill out aTurbines, Inc. Third Page 4/C AdRocky Mountain Propellers Inc. Sixth Page 4/C AdDECEMBER 2015TWIN & TURBINE • 23

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